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How to Use the Uploader

StagePilot VIP's smart uploader is optimized to upload dozens (even hundreds) of hi-res photos at once. If your wifi connection is spotty, don't worry. The uploader will keep checking for a connection and resume uploading once you are back online.

Every folder in the uploader corresponds with a 'schedule item' in your schedule, so prior to uploading photos, you'll need to add at least one item to your schedule. See how to add to your schedule here.

There are two ways to upload photos

  1. Drag and drop photos directly onto the schedule item.
  1. Or click the schedule item to open it. In this view, you can either drag and drop photos directly onto the screen or click Upload photos or click search your device and choose the files you wish to upload.

Removing Photos from a Gallery
Once uploaded, photos immediately appear in your fan-facing gallery. If photos have been accidentally uploaded or need to be removed for any reason, it can easily be done. Here’s how:

Select individual photos

Click individual photo thumbnails to select them, or shift-click to select multiple photos.

Select all photos

Click the Select All button to select every photo in an individual gallery. Click the Select None button to clear your selection.

Delete photos

Click the Delete button to delete all selected photos. Remember, If you accidentally delete photos, don't panic! We store all deleted photos on our server for one month. Reach out and we can help.

If you have any questions about the uploader or anything else, shoot us a note at